Thursday, May 21, 2020
Word of Wisdom - A Higher Law with Higher Blessings (Part 3)
In verses 12 and 13 of D&C Section 89, the Lord outlines His will regarding the use of meat.
“12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;
13 And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.”
Something that is noteworthy about these verses is that the Lord says it is “pleasing” to Him that meat only be used when truly necessary. I believe He loves all of His creations and creatures, and does not want them abused or exploited for gluttony, selfish indulgence or needless killing.
If a person likes to hunt big game for sport, perhaps for the trophy mount, or the thrill, or whatever the motivation may be, but truly does not “need” the meat, are they doing what is pleasing to the Lord according to the Word of Wisdom? This is one of those tests where we can show whether we will do what we want or what the Lord wants.
The abusive way that large-scale commercial ranches and farms raise animals in unclean, diseased and very confined conditions for eventual slaughter and sale for food, is well-lknown. They are available in great over-abundance ready for our indulgence. I seriously doubt this is pleasing to the Lord.
Here are some other scenarios and questions to ask ourselves:
Person “A” claims they “cannot function” without downing several energy drinks in a day, and such function is not a life requirement. They are so amped up and jittery that they cannot possibly feel the still, small voice of the Holy Ghost. They have problems sleeping. Energy drinks are not forbidden. Are they keeping the Word of Wisdom?
Person “B” eats so much junk food that they become obese and/or begin experiencing serious health problems. Their ability to provide for their family is hindered, as is their ability to serve in Church callings and service capacities. None of the foods are “forbidden.” Are they keeping the Word of Wisdom?
Person “C” eats a seemingly healthier diet with minimal junk food. The diet includes large portions of meat at every meal. This person develops heart disease as a result, and is unable to serve in the Church or function with reasonable health. Again, no “forbidden” substances. Are they keeping the Word of Wisdom?
Person “D” eats mostly fruits, grains and vegetables. They eat meat occasionally, and then only in smaller portions. They drink caffeinated soda occasionally. They have no health concerns, and are able to serve in the Church in highly spiritual capacities for many years. Is this person keeping the Word of Wisdom?
Regarding caffeine, the church issued a clarifying statement in late August 2012 regarding the Word of Wisdom. A news article in the Daily Herald stated this:
“This week the church posted a statement on its website saying it "does not prohibit the use of caffeine."
A day later, the website wording was changed, saying only that "the church revelation spelling out health practices ... does not mention the use of caffeine."
Church spokesman Scott Trotter said the clarification was made to provide context to last week's NBC News hour-long special on Mormonism that stated Mormons don't drink caffeine.
But church leaders say that doesn't mean they view caffeinated drinks as healthy. They just don't bar members from drinking them.”
Why coffee and tea? Once again this writing is my own view. I believe it is because they are intended not just to taste good for those who like them (for the record, I am a convert to the Church and grew up drinking iced tea, and loved it), but they are intended to be stimulants. Coffee in particular is intended as a “pick-me-up” that some people come to depend on every day, sometimes all day. Stimulants impair our finer, more sensitive abilities to feel. Since the promptings of the Holy Ghost come as a still, small voice, this means that such stimulants impair, or at the very least least reduce, our ability to feel the Holy Ghost’s guiding direction in our lives. Heavy dependence can be spiritual suicide for many.
President Russell M. Nelson recently said, “... in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.” (General Conference, April 2018)
We as Latter-Day Saints are not expected to live a life of good physical health just so we will enjoy good health. We have made sacred covenants to serve God with all our heart, might, mind and strength. If our bodies are healthy, we are better able to serve God to our fullest capacities. At this writing, our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson is approaching his 96th birthday and appears to be in excellent health. He still snow skis! This man is an outstanding example of using one’s habits of good physical health to serve God to the fullest. He is a textbook example of one who is able to “run and not be weary, and walk and not faint.” (D&C 89:20)
Failing to keep ourselves healthy, and therefore rendering ourselves unable to serve, is to fail in keeping our covenants to their fullest in this manner. We have limited our ability to serve, and therefore have limited our potential blessings. Since the Lord has shown us the way through the revelation in Section 89 and through more recent clarifications, we have no valid reasons for failing to be ready to serve at our best.
Further, and in my opinion more importantly, we are required to live in such a way that we can maximize our ability to make full use of the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
While the Word of Wisdom was originally given as more of a suggestion and not a commandment, and a person typically won’t be denied the opportunity to attend and participate in church callings and activities, adhering to it is nevertheless a requirement for temple attendance. This makes complete sense to me. The temple is a place of purity, apart from the world, where the influence of the Holy Ghost can be felt most clearly. Aside from only wanting those living higher laws in the House of the Lord, the “great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures” (D&C 89:19) we can receive by following the Word of Wisdom are either greatly inhibited or not felt at all by someone whose senses are impaired.
The Word of Wisdom is a higher law with higher promises. See verses 18-21.
I have believed for a long time that the Gift of the Holy Ghost, in all of its ways to bless us, is our road map back home to Heavenly Father in a very confusing maze of culture and worldliness. I take President Nelson’s counsel very seriously, that spiritual survival depends on that guiding, constant divine influence.
I also believe this is what is meant in D&C 89:19 where the Lord promises that we “shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures….”
The Holy Ghost can reveal incredible things to us, knowledge and wisdom that is unavailable to those who would mock or refuse to live worthy of it. What are those hidden treasures? How badly would you like to know? Living the “letter of the law” will not reveal them to us.
Finally, in the last verse of D&C 89, the Lord promises to those who embrace the Word of Wisdom that “the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them.” What did the children of Israel do to not be destroyed at the time of the Passover? They followed their prophet’s counsel. They didn’t question or mock or rationalize. They heeded his counsel, and they lived. For us, the Passover is a physical representation of spiritual gifts that are available to us. If we follow the counsel the Lord had given us through His prophets, we won’t be easily tempted to go astray. The destroying angel is very busy in our day, but not as a mist floating through the streets. It is in popular culture, worldliness, immorality, and self-gratification in all its forms. It is even more dangerous today, because its death is spiritual, not physical as in the days of Moses. It comes slowly, unknowingly, and eternally. Having power to avoid the destroying angel in our day is priceless. If simply following the counsel of our prophets and apostles will help us have that protection, what is more important?
Please think of the Word of Wisdom for its spiritual purposes more than the physical. While both are important, it seems clear to me that the spiritual needs and benefits far outweigh the physical reasons. The letter of the law might be compliant, but the spirit of the law brings the blessings and great, hidden treasures of knowledge. Perhaps most importantly, it allows us to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost, to help us find our way home to Heavenly Father, and not be deceived by the louder messages of the world.
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