Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Hearts of Evil and Conspiring Men - Word of Wisdom, Part 2

It was the disgusting and distracting influence that smoking and drinking had on the School of the Prophets that prompted Emma to say something to Joseph, and for Joseph to inquire of the Lord. The Lord’s response was the revelation recorded in D&C Section 89, also known as the Word of Wisdom.

For specific information on the background leading to the revelation, here are a couple of links:


I want to focus on a few key points that often are overlooked - points that perhaps are more important than the substances mentioned that get so much attention.

In the opening verses if D&C 89, the Lord outlines the revelation:

“1 A Word of Wisdom, for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirtland, and the church, and also the saints in Zion—
2 To be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days—
3 Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints.
4 Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation.”

In verse 2 the Lord says the Word of Wisdom is not given by commandment or constraint. It actually is not a commandment. It is a higher law for those who wish to achieve higher levels of health and spirituality.

I want to point out that the Word of Wisdom is not a condition of membership in the Church. Yes, it is part of a typical baptismal interview, but it is not a requirement for keeping membership. It is not a requirement for holding many ward callings. A person can usually be “in good standing” in the church without obeying the Word of Wisdom. There is no formal church discipline that I am aware of that is associated with failure to live the Word of Wisdom.

In verse 3 He states that it comes with a promise. Indeed it does. Please refer to verses 19-21 at the end of the section. We will discuss these later.

Also in verse 3 he states that this revelation is “adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints….” I have found this to be true with many of the commandments, laws and points of counsel we have been given over the years.

We all have heard of or know people who live the “bare minimum” of laws and commandments. People can do all kinds of things to ruin their physical bodies, and yet claim they live the Word of Wisdom because they don’t partake of any of the “listed forbidden substances.” At the other extreme, there are people who do their very best to get every blessing possible through their adherence to the Word of Wisdom. Both will be rewarded accordingly. Hence, the adaptation to the weak and the weakest of Saints… but also, in my view, to the strongest of Saints.

In verse 4 He refers to the “evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days….”

This revelation was given in 1833. For decades, people were told that tobacco was not harmful. For many years, it was considered fashionable. Women even had their own brand of cigarettes to further glamorize smoking. In the words of a notable politician who I will keep nameless here, the human use of tobacco is “harmful or fatal when used as directed.” There is no doubt about this now.

Even today, some people claim that a glass of wine each day is healthy and good for the body. Whether true or not, it is like saying that one cigarette won’t lead to addiction, one snort of cocaine won’t lead to a fatal overdose, one brief look at pornography won’t lead to addiction, adultery or sex crimes, etc. One little drink won’t lead to a drunk driving death, and so on. Nathaniel Currier created a graphic in 1846 called “The Drunkard’s Progress” which clearly shows that even early on, this was a known slippery slope.'s_Progress_-_Color.jpg

If a person never takes the first step in any such direction, addiction or any other adverse consequences have a zero percent chance of occurring. Those who are looking to be temple worthy have no business on slippery slopes of this kind.

I have two uncles whose lives were ruined by the casual beginnings of social drinking. One was an attorney. Because he, like so many others, could not control the “social drinking,” he ultimately lost his ability to practice law, and for a while was homeless. He died in his early fifties of alcohol-related illnesses. I witnessed him stealing money from another family member so he could buy another drink.

The other uncle was a gifted soldier in the US Army. He was the First Captain of the Cadet Corps and Brigade Commander (top ranking of all the cadets) at the US Military Academy at West Point, NY in his senior year. He golfed with generals and had meetings with the President of the United States. He was on track to be a top ranking general someday… but that someday never came. He retired after twenty years at a rank much lower than he should have achieved, and died a few short years later of liver failure and complications due to alcoholism.

Despite the obvious negative impact of alcohol in all parts of society, governments continue to allow it to destroy countless millions of lives, including victims of drunk driving accidents. Perhaps the hearts of evil and conspiring men are more concerned with re-election than with the value of human life and a safer society.

Modern energy drinks and vaping are glamorized in society rather than recognized as the poisons that they are. Gourmet coffee drinks are rationalized as “not coffee” because they go by some other name. Here is some clarification from the Church on vaping and gourmet coffee drinks, among other substances:

We also have learned of the direct correlation between eating meat and heart disease and cancer in its many forms. Many studies have been conducted by varied organizations that prove this. Yet despite these overwhelmingly conclusive findings, meat is heavily marketed as a central focus of meals and diets, even by the United States Government (USDA).

Product marketing is intended to shape perceptions. Those who have the companionship of the Holy Ghost are not so easily deceived. The evils and designs of conspiring men will not easily deceive a person who is trying diligently to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

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