Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Family Miracle Yesterday...

My 22-year-old son got married yesterday in the Mesa Arizona Temple. All went well, except...

Since the bride's father is not a member of the church and could not attend the sealing session, the couple decided late to have a ring ceremony at the beginning of the reception. So my son, the groom, put his bride's ring in his pants pocket, since he wouldn't need it until later. Unfortunately, those pants were the white ones he rented from the temple clothing counter for the wedding. He forgot about the ring and dropped the pants through the laundry chute, only to remember later what had happened.

My older son-in-law and I went into the laundry room in the temple and began going through all of the pants pockets of all the pants that had been used that day. No luck. We looked in the locker luck. We checked shirt pockets, re-checked every place we could think of, with no luck. I'm sure a lot of prayers besides my own went up for this ring to be found. The bride was totally calm through all of this. She had her man and that was all that mattered (my son is a real trophy, unlike his father!). This all took place around 2:00PM.

At 5:30PM, the temple laundry supervisor called me on my cell phone (I had just arrived at the reception location). As they were throwing the last batch of pants in the washer, they heard that distinct 'clink' sound, and sure enough, it was the missing ring.

A small miracle it was... perhaps not to my son and his bride... but I am nevertheless grateful for even the smallest of miracles. Knowing this was the only 'hiccup' of the day - one that will make for a top-quality journal entry, it was a great day to be a dad.

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