Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I spent most of my day volunteering at the local Deseret Industries thrift store. I paid attention to the people who work there. I took notice of the people who shop there. I looked closely at some of the merchandise - much of it with broken, worn out or missing pieces. I watched as small children played with broken or incomplete toys with almost as much excitement as if they had just opened it on Christmas morning. A lot of those toys were purchased. I actually saw some stuff that I had donated some time back. My heart sort of melted. I realized what a blessing it can be to see how life is for others. Just when I think life is tough, the Lord has a way of showing me how blessed I am. Someone always seems to have a bigger cross to bear than I do. So I smile at them, offer to help them, load the oversized items in their car, thank them for coming...and thank my Heavenly Father for my blessings.

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