Sunday, June 14, 2020

An Undeniable Truth - The Cause and Effect of Living by God's Commandments

People in our nation seem to be desperately looking for answers to our social problems. They look to elected officials to solve their problems for them. They look to modern philosophies which appease the masses without preaching to them or offending them.

On a recent lunch date with my wife, we were talking about these issues. She is brilliant in her reasoning, and she pointed out the basis of what follows here.

Let's take a look at the Ten Commandments, particularly those that pertain to our relationships with others. Regardless of your religious persuasion, these commandments, if followed by most people in the world, would all but eliminate many of our biggest problems.

While the Ten Commandments are of biblical origin, non-Christian religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam, also have guiding principles that teach integrity and civility. Living by any of these guides also would greatly improve society.

The first few of the Ten Commandments pertain to our relationship with God. While this is also very important, it is not the subject of this writing.

HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER - Parents have actual experience. They know what works and what doesn't. It's proven, not just theory. They usually grew up in a more respectful and more civilized environment than what exists today. They were much more disciplined. If we would listen to their wisdom and guidance (and I will include grandparents here as well) and accept appropriate discipline, civility and common courtesy would be much more prevalent.

THOU SHALT NOT KILL - Murder for the usual reasons of covetousness would not exist. Abortion for its usual reasons of incredible selfishness would not exist.

THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY - There would be no infidelity. There would be little or no pornography and the emotional infidelity it promotes, and it certainly would not be the epidemic that it is today. Without infidelity, far more families would stay intact. Divorce would not be nearly as common. More children would grow up in stable, two-parent homes, and therefore would have much greater likelihood of future opportunity and success. A great majority of the world's problems would not exist if family life was solid.

THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THE NEIGHBOR - When is it ever okay to be dishonest with the intent to hurt others, cheat others, or to gain any kind of unfair advantage? Without bearing false witness against others, mutual respect and a genuine desire to help others would be much more abundant.

THOU SHALT NOT COVET - There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve our situations in life. However, jealousy, envy and greed stem from covetousness. Coveting leads to theft and murder, among other things. Without it, our improvements in life are worthwhile, we take responsibility for them, and work for what we receive. No cheating. Everyone would be better off if those around them didn't covet.

The bottom line: If people in general would follow the Ten Commandments, we would have very little or no

Abortion for selfish purposes
Violent crime of any kind
Broken homes
Cheating or hindering others to get ahead
And many more.

These benefits are obvious, and there is no intelligent, fact-based argument to refute them. Living by these principles would unquestionably bring the results. Yet so many people in our society mock these teachings and reject them, attempting to replace them with philosophies that clearly do not work and that quite frankly are failing.

Regardless of our religious persuasions, the Commandments are worth following purely for the inevitable benefits to family and society. As long as the world looks elsewhere for answers, it won't find them. I suggest starting with the Ten Commandments and working upward from there.

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